Saya sedang penasaran tingkat tinggi karena membaca tweet teman saya tentang zodiak. Lalu saya iseng cari juga fakta tentang zodiak saya dan saya merasa aneh karena banyak yang bikin saya bilang dalam hati begini : "iya juga tuh", "nah bener banget", "gile!!", "bisa pas gitu dah".
Kira-kira ini lah beberapa fakta yang bikin saya bilang kata-kata diatas :
- Sometimes a #Taurus can seem hard hearted but in reality, if they care about you, then they will always be there for you.
- A #Taurus makes a good friend and great listener, but only if they like you.
- Never take friendship with a #Taurus for granted. They pick their friends carefully and once you cross them they are done.
- It's not that a #Taurus is lazy, they just work at their own pace.
- While a #Taurus may have many acquaintances, there is less than a handful of people they actually trust.
- When making plans with a #Taurus do not back out at the last minute. #Taurus are not fond of change.
- #Taurus have big hearts, they just keep them closed out of fear of being hurt.
- A challenge for a #Taurus is learning how to let go of the past.
- When something is bothering a #Taurus they tend to think about it until exhaustion. And a lot of times, make it worse that what it is.
- A #Taurus does not forgive easily nor so they forget. So be careful with your decision to cross them.
- If it seems that #Taurus doesn't care. It's because they don't. If they cared you would know it.
- If you care about a #Taurus then you better let them know, otherwise you might lose them forever.
- When a #Taurus fakes a smile an a laugh no one can see the truth behind it.
- A #Taurus will only give you so many chances before they walk away for good.
Nah, banyak banget kan!! Dan sebenernya masih banyak lagi tapi enggak mungkin saya tulis semua. Semua-semua yang saya ketik diatas itu saya yakin banget kalo saya begitu dari semua hal yang pernah saya jalanin.
Saya jadi penasaran, karena saya termasuk yang tidak terlalu percaya ramalan atau keberuntungan. Nah, yang bikin saya penasaran apa hubungan tanggal lahir sama sikap atau cara pandang seseorang?
Tolonglah kalau ada yang bisa memberi penjelasan yang masuk diakal saya, terima kasih sebanyak-banyaknya.
* Fakta-fakta diatas saya ambil dari Taurus In Me